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Darvis McCoy spent his early years rock climbing, motorcycle riding and wild boar hunting.  Then at age thirty-seven, he experienced

a disabling injury that made him think his life was over.  After rediscovering the reality of Jesus, he began using the skills gained in his former life to minister to underground Christians around the world.

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Lacking Nothing!

There are countless sermons and devotions on what went wrong in the Garden of Eden. We know Satan hates God and will do all he can to steal, kill and destroy all that God holds dear. And we know Satan is the master of lies and deception. But recently something jumped off the page at me like never before. Look at what Genesis 3:5 says “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” The temptation is in the idea of becoming “like God.” Now look at why becoming “like God” is so enticing. Satan says “your eyes will be opened.” He’s saying that they are lacking something, that their eyes are not fully opened and they lack knowledge that God has. Satan is saying that God didn’t give them enough.

Isn’t that Satan’s way? He whispers in our ear of all that we lack. We aren’t pretty enough, tall enough, smart enough, strong enough, creative enough, rich enough, healthy enough…we can’t do, or be, because we are lacking.

James 1:5 says "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

In my mind’s ear I can hear God saying “Why didn’t you ask me?” If they had asked, God might have said, “I know, I did it that way on purpose. I’m protecting you from knowing evil. Remember I created you, examined you and said you are very good.”

Why didn’t Adam and Eve just ask God about what they were lacking?

Why don’t we?

For all those times we have asked, but God hasn't answered the way we wanted, let me suggest then, we didn’t need it. God always gives us what we need (which is not always the same as what we want). In fact, God has already given us everything we need, in His son, Jesus. The Creator of the universe, the One who spoke everything into existence, and who holds all things together is all you need. Impossibilities are God’s reality, we only need to give him room to work and then trust him for the rest.

Matthew 7:7 tells us to “ask, and it will be given to you.” The Greek tense being used is a continual action and is more appropriately translated as “keep asking” not just simply ask once. What will be given to us? What we need. Because in our persistence, God gives us perspective. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts and his ways are higher than ours. But in our persistence, He promises to give us understanding beyond what we can see. Satan says you don’t have...God says, I will give you… He gives us what we need as we need it — manna in the desert, multiplication of loaves and fishes, strength for another chemo treatment, endurance for another day at the office or at school, hope for the wayward child.

My friends, life is hard, but God is good. He knows your thoughts, your heart, your needs, your desires. He knows your heartache, your pain and your suffering. He knows what it means to not have enough. He knows that loss of any kind is hard. He’s walked that road and has the scars to prove it. But God bids you to walk with Him so He can lighten the burden. He bids you to cry on Him so He can wipe your tears and comfort you. He bids you to cry out to Him and bear your soul so He can heal your hurts. When Satan says you are lacking, God says “No you are not! Because I am sufficient for you.”

When Paul begged God to fix what was lacking, God said, “my power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9). What else of God’s is made perfect in our weakness?!

His comfort

His peace

His strength

His provision

His wisdom

His joy

His perseverance

His compassion

His love

His forgiveness

His righteousness

His redemption

So if Satan is saying you are not measuring up, you’re lacking, you don’t have enough, then do what Paul did. Boast in your weakness! Your response to Satan: “Good! Because when I am not, God is!…so get behind me Satan.”

© 2017 Donna McCoy

All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

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